DDF Digital Capsule 2020 An invitation to celebrate dance and dance artists in new ways. 29 May—07 Jun
Over 6,800 people tuned in to the DDF Digital Capsule on our website from all over the globe, with 23,500+ individual page views, 15,500+ video plays on YouTube, and more than 700 people booking to attend live events.
During an unprecedented period of restriction and physical distancing, the DDF Digital Capsule offered a space to continue to experience dance. To watch, discuss, listen, reflect and move together, from a distance.
On the 20th of March, we announced the cancellation of our 2020 Festival, just 10 days after our programme launch and amidst the escalating Covid-19 crisis. Along with the rest of the world, we did our best to navigate this unfamiliar terrain, while waiting for some clarity to light the path ahead. We un-picked and re-shaped plans. We supported our artists and wider DDF team and collaborators. We put meticulously planned programmes and partnerships on ice, cancelled flights, reimbursed tickets and welcomed support from our loyal audiences and funders. And then we asked ourselves - if we can’t bring live performance this May, what can we do to inspire audiences, support artists and retain a connection with our community?
And so, the DDF Digital Capsule was born; a curated selection of films, discussions, articles and interactive dance experiences for everyone - from dance aficionados to curious newbies. From a trio of films featuring the incredible Indian dancer Shantala Shivalingappa, to an AR app that brings award-winning dancers into your environment; from soundtracks for walking from Irish composer Michael Gallen to a feature on artists of mixed abilities, a DJ Set for Kids by Donal Dineen and lots more - we came together for 10 days of movement amidst the restrictions.
We also invited the dance and wider arts community to join us for ‘3 Moments of Connection’ to consider our changed world and where we go from here. As part of this, we were delighted to partner with The Irish World Academy of Music and Dance (UL) and Liz Roche Company to deliver the planned Modes of Capture Symposium online. Exploring how we might reimagine ways of artistic exchange, this event brought local and international dance artists, practitioners and scholars together over a rich and rewarding two-day programme.
Sincere thanks to the artists, companies, contributors and collaborators who helped us imagine and deliver the Digital Capsule; to our principal funder The Arts Council, whose continued support made it possible; and to you for tuning in and being part of it all.
We hope that this digital celebration of dance continues to offer some joy, strength, beauty and insight during these times and as we look to the future.
Explore more video content
Watch some of the interviews, discussions and videos presented as part of the DDF Digital Capsule.
Snapshots from the Digital Capsule
Catch a glimpse of some of the artists and audiences who were part of this year's online events.
In the media
Read a selection of features on the DDF Digital Capsule and interviews with presenting artists.
"With Dublin Dance Festival events moved online, organisers have outdone themselves this year."
Lovin Dublin
"Dublin Dance Festival ... have managed to reinvent themselves online for ten days of excitement!"
No More Workhorse
"The creativity and fun [Dublin Dance Festival] is famed for ... expressed through a Digital Capsule of films, parties, workshops and discussions."
Sunday Business Post
Social media was abuzz with followers from across the globe who were able to share in 10 days of movement from a distance.
The #DDFDigitalCapsule on social media